Fabio Sirna
Email : sirna.fabio@gmail.com

Fabio Sirna’s music fuses
two different worlds:
electronic music and seven strings guitar.
His debut album, Orpheus, blends extended guitar techniques such as polyphonic tapping, slap and fingerstyle with electronica, glitch and chill atmospheres.
His live electronics show is a mix of djing, finger drumming, guitar, live looping, poly-instrumentalism and improvisation.
Fabio Sirna was born the 14/04/1982 in Ragusa, ITALY, but lives in Varese IT.
At the age of 9 he began studying piano and in 1996 , at the age of 13, he switched to the guitar.
Through the school days, he joined several bands and various music project, and learned to play bass and drums.
In the following years, while studying to take two bachelor degrees (sociology and musicology) and a guitar professional diploma at CPM European Music Institute (Milan), he began lo learn computer music and different techniques such as sampling, synth programming and finger drumming.
From 2006 he gigs with his Live Electronics project through Italy and Switzerland.
He constantly makes a living with music, splitting his activity between teaching, gigging and producing.
Teaser for the album Orpheus
The memory of the sea
breve biografia
Fabio Sirna inizia lo studio della disciplina musicale
sul pianoforte a nove anni, per poi passare alla
chitarra a 14 anni.
Nel 2005 consegue con ottimi voti sia il diploma
in chitarra rock- fusion presso il C.P.M
European Institute, sia la Laurea in Sociologia (Università Bicocca di Milano) con una tesi sperimentale in campo musicale.
La sua musica
Da questo momento inizia in maniera stabile e continuativa l'attività didattica in diverse sedi.
Negli anni successivi si applica al Live
Electronics unendo, in un unico spettacolo,
tecniche come il live looping,
il finger drumming e l'improvvisazione poli-strumentistica.
Parallelamente, compone dei brani su
chitarra a sette corde, impiegando una tecnica
ibrida che unisce tapping polifonico, fingerstyle
e slap, pubblicando nel 2016 il suo disco di esordio, Orpheus.
Nel 2013 consegue la seconda Laurea in
Musicologia (Università di Pavia\ sede Cremona, indirizzo "Musicologia Sistematica") con una
tesi sperimentale riguardante le possibilità
compositive offerte dalla sintesi modulare
in ambito software.